Category Archives: mercury
“Safe Removal of Amalgam FillingsThe mercury free dentists of the world have been acutely aware of the potential for excess exposure to mercury when removing amalgam fillings, and have devised a number of strategies for reducing the amount of mercury exposure to both patients and dental staff during amalgam removal”
Blanche D. #Grube believes #PatientEducation is KEY for you to achieve your best physical, dental and emotional health as safely as possible
▶ Fox News 17 stacy case coverage of mercury induced MS symptoms and diagnosis from mercury fillings. – YouTube
Fox News 17 stacy case coverage of mercury induced MS symptoms and diagnosis from mercury fillings.
ADA welcomes UN treaty on global mercury phasedown
Last week, delegates from over 130 countries attended the meeting of the International Negotiating Committee on Mercury in Geneva aimed at limiting emissions of mercury. Alongside the coal industry and small-scale gold mining, #educatethepublic
The future of dentistry in a world without mercury: An NGO’s perspective
In order to discuss the future of dentistry, we must first look at the history of the use of mercury in dentistry. .. #anitavazquez #blanchegrubeprotocol
▶ Mercury Causes Brain Neuron Degeneration – YouTube
How Mercury Causes Brain Neuron Degeneration from the University of Calgary. #PatientEducation is the key to helping you achieve the best physical, dental and emotional health.
A comprehensive overview of the connection between dental mercury fillings and antibiotic resistances
Installing dental amalgam restorations into laboratory animals (monkeys) resulted in a sharp increase in the proportion of their GI tract (oral and fecal) bacteria able to produce volatile Hg(0). #articles #mercury #exposure #drblanchedgrube #halhugginsprotocol #blanchegrubeprotocol
“ADA spokesman Dr. Rodney Mackert misleads readers about the safety of mercury fillings”
“ADA spokesman Dr. Rodney Mackert misleads readers about the safety of mercury fillings” #blanchegrubeprotocol #ada
Review of 25 studies and the effects of removing mercury amalgam silver fillings on health
This paper, written by Mats Hanson, examines studies from leading research institutes around the world. His research reveals that there has been a documented trend in positive health changes after removal of amalgam fillings since as far back as 1986 … Continue reading