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BioDental Healing
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Centers for Healing Radio Commercials Aired on KBBY

Centers for Healing Radio Commercials Aired on KBBY

Commercials Aired on B95.1 KBBY Radio. Biological Dentists David Villarreal and Blanche Grube continue to educate the public about the Dangers of Mercury/Amalgam in our teeth!

What is biological dentistry?

Biological dentists recognize the impact of toxic materials and relate it to dental and physiological health. These dentists use materials and procedures in their practices that are non-toxic and systemically compatible. They see the dental condition in relation to overall health. Centers for Healing 

Centers for Healing
Holistic Dentistry, Biological Dentistry
1000 Newbury Rd.; Ste. 225
Newbury Park (Thousand Oaks, Ca), CA 91320

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