Monthly Archives: December 2014
Remembering Dr. Hal Huggins, the Grand Father of Holistic Dentistry
Known as the “Elder Statesman” of Holistic Dentistry and the “Grand Father” of anything related to toxic dental materials, Dr. Hal Huggins passed away comfortably in his own home in Colorado Springs, Colorado November 29, 2014 at the age of … Continue reading
Posted in Dr. David Villarreal
Tagged biological dentistry news, dr hal huggins passing, huggins protocol, iabdm
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Simple Holistic Cold Sore Remedy that Works at Home!
If you browse the Internet, you’ll come up with a list of 3, 5, or 7 ways to treat and/or cure a cold sore. The fact of the matter is that most of us have probably experienced a cold sore … Continue reading
Posted in BioDental Healing, Holistic Dentist Newbury Park
Tagged cold sore home remedy, cold sore treatment, fever blister
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