Category Archives: free
Your Silver Amalgam fillings…
are 50% Mercury. Share if you think mercury is too scary to put in anyone’s teeth! Dr. Blanche D. Grube believes #PatientEducation is the key for you to achieve your best physical, dental and emotional health as safely as possible … Continue reading
UN Mercury Treaty Signals Time To Change U.S. Dental Policy, Says International Academy
/PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — History will be made next week when nations of the world sign a United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) treaty to reduce mercury #blanchegrubeprotocol #amalgamremoval #holisticdentistry #drblanchedgrube #drblanchedgrubeclinic
▶ Mercury: The Poison in Your Teeth by Tom McGuire, DDS – YouTube
Mercury is a powerful poison and if you have amalgam (silver) fillings you are being poisoned by them every day. #drblanchedgrube #halhugginsprotocol #grubeprotocol #drblanchedgrubeclinic #scranton #pennsylvania #centersforhealing #mercuryfree #holisticdentistry #biocomp #futureofdentistry #testimonials