Category Archives: dental
The Four Types of Teeth
Did you know that humans have four types of teeth in the mouth? You probably didn’t because most people are only familiar with two types: molars and canines. However, there are actually two other types as well. Teeth are very … Continue reading
▶ Fox News 17 stacy case coverage of mercury induced MS symptoms and diagnosis from mercury fillings. – YouTube
Fox News 17 stacy case coverage of mercury induced MS symptoms and diagnosis from mercury fillings.
“Composite Materials” or White Fillings…
Composite materials, commonly known as “white fillings,” are one type of dental material that is quickly gaining popularity. These are a … #biocomplab #shslab #biocompability #reactive
Biocomp Laboratories Inc. All foreign substances introduced to the body will elicit a response from the immune system, including dental materials.
Reactivity is the amount of change that occurs within the immune system when it is subjected to a foreign substance. #biocomplab #shslab #biocompability #reactive #dental #information #materials #immune #it #test #biocompatibility #testing #system #order #links #policies
Biological, Biocompatible, Mercury Free (Amalgam Free), Mercury safe, Cosmetic Dentistry at Dr. Blanche D. Grube’s Clinic
Reactivity to dental materials can be loosely compared to food allergies. While many people have no problems with foods such as peanuts – See more at: s
Helpful Links — Learn more about dental toxicity and the protocols pioneered by Doctor Huggins.
Learn more about pioneered by Doctor Huggins dental toxicity and the protocols .also, ,liposome-encapsulated form of vitamin C for oral supplementation. #biocomplab #shslab #biocompability #reactive #dental #information #materials #immune #it #test #biocompatibility
Biocomp Labs — Dental Toxicity — Free downloads
Below are downloads for your your own that would provide additional information. Adobe PDF file format. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Biocomp Laboratories Inc. Contact Us
Contact Biocomp Labs with questions about biocompatibility testing and procedures and pricing. Biocompatibility, Testing, Dental, Toxicity,Bonding, #immune #it #test #biocompatibility #testing #system #order #links #policies #biocomp #medical #material
Biocomp – Find A Practitioner
Knowledge is power. Whether you are looking for information to enhance your health or searching for the answer to reverse a terminal illness Biocompatibility, Testing, Dental, Toxicity,Bonding, Agents, Alloys #biocomplab #shslab #biocompability #reactive #dental #information #materials
Frequently Asked Questions – BioComp
A list of frequently asked questions. Biocompatibility, Testing, Dental, Toxicity,Bonding, Agents, Alloys #biocomplab #shslab #biocompability #reactive #dental #information #materials #immune #test #biocompatibility #testing #system #order #links #policies #biocomp #medical #material