Category Archives: removal
“Composite Materials” or White Fillings…
Composite materials, commonly known as “white fillings,” are one type of dental material that is quickly gaining popularity. These are a … #biocomplab #shslab #biocompability #reactive
Biocomp Laboratories Inc. All foreign substances introduced to the body will elicit a response from the immune system, including dental materials.
Reactivity is the amount of change that occurs within the immune system when it is subjected to a foreign substance. #biocomplab #shslab #biocompability #reactive #dental #information #materials #immune #it #test #biocompatibility #testing #system #order #links #policies
Biological, Biocompatible, Mercury Free (Amalgam Free), Mercury safe, Cosmetic Dentistry at Dr. Blanche D. Grube’s Clinic
Reactivity to dental materials can be loosely compared to food allergies. While many people have no problems with foods such as peanuts – See more at: s
Biocomp Laboratories Inc. Contact Us
Contact Biocomp Labs with questions about biocompatibility testing and procedures and pricing. Biocompatibility, Testing, Dental, Toxicity,Bonding, #immune #it #test #biocompatibility #testing #system #order #links #policies #biocomp #medical #material
Biocomp Laboratories Inc — Avoid dental toxicity
Avoid dental toxicity by using as many least reactive materials as possible. #biocomplab #shslab #biocompability #reactive #dental #information #materials #immune #it #test #biocompatibility #testing #system #order #links #policies #biocomp #medical #material
videos, holistic dentistry, biological dentistry,amalgam removal
Videos of Dr. Blanche D. Grube and informative videos on Holistic Dentistry
Review of 25 studies and the effects of removing mercury amalgam silver fillings on health
This paper, written by Mats Hanson, examines studies from leading research institutes around the world. His research reveals that there has been a documented trend in positive health changes after removal of amalgam fillings since as far back as 1986 … Continue reading
A unique selection of books written by Medical Practitioners. All books below are available for purchase online. Call if you have any questions.
Uninformed Consent: The Hidden Dangers in Dental Care Written by: Thomas E. Levy, M.D., J.D., Hal A. Huggins, D.D.S., M.S. PLUS MANY MORE!! #grubeprotocol #drblanchedgrubeclinic #scranton #pennsylvania #centersforhealing #mercuryfree #holisticdentistry #biocomp