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Dental Blog

Newbury Partial Dentures For Missing Teeth

Dr. Villarreal offers a metal-free alternative to replacing missing teeth in Newbury Park with removable partial dentures. Partial dentures are a great alternative because they consist of pink or gum-colored plastic bases with no use of metals because at BioDental Healing we do not believe any type of metal belongs in the mouth.

Partial dentures consist of a gum-colored base and natural-looking precision attachments or connectors that hold your dentures in place. A dental crown may need to be placed in order to improve the fit of your partial dentures.

Dr. Villarreal will work with you to develop a customized set of removable partial dentures that you’ll be pleased with.

To get started, schedule an appointment with Dr. Villarreal at (805) 375-2233 to see if you are a good candidate for removable partial dentures in Newbury Park, CA.

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