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Category Archives: dental amalgam

▶ Symptoms of Mercury Poisoning – YouTube

This video explains how mercury primarily derived from dental amalgam fillings can cause a host of mental, physical and emotional symptoms and details over 1…

Posted in amalgam, dental amalgam, heavy metal, mercury, mercury poisoning, mercury toxicity, mercury vapor, mercury vapour, silver fillings, symptom... | Comments Off on ▶ Symptoms of Mercury Poisoning – YouTube

The International Mercury Treaty Is Finally Official!

The International treaty named “United Nations Minamata Convention on Mercury” has been declared, and will require phasing out of mercury-containing products. #drblanchegrube is proud of the efforts of all who helped to make this a reality

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In fact, amalgam poses a whole swarm of problems at every stage of its lifecycle, including…

Dentists who use mercury fillings claim that amalgam is safe because it’s been used for 150 years. More accurately, dental amalgam is a Civil War relic, hardly a point #blanchegrubeprotocol #amalgamremoval #holisticdentistry

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ADA’s Amalgam Power Collapsing | Mercury-Free Dentistry Week

ADA’s stronghold over amalgam is finally crumbling — a major reason to celebrate Mercury-Free Dentistry Week. #amalgam #dental #articles #drblanchedgrube #holistidentist #halhugginsprotocol #grubeprotocol #drblanchedgrubeclinic #scranton #pennsylvania #centersforhealing #mercuryfree #holisticdentistry

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