Category Archives: amalgam
ADA welcomes UN treaty on global mercury phasedown
Last week, delegates from over 130 countries attended the meeting of the International Negotiating Committee on Mercury in Geneva aimed at limiting emissions of mercury. Alongside the coal industry and small-scale gold mining, #educatethepublic
Your Silver Amalgam fillings…
are 50% Mercury. Share if you think mercury is too scary to put in anyone’s teeth! Dr. Blanche D. Grube believes #PatientEducation is the key for you to achieve your best physical, dental and emotional health as safely as possible … Continue reading
The future of dentistry in a world without mercury: An NGO’s perspective
In order to discuss the future of dentistry, we must first look at the history of the use of mercury in dentistry. .. #anitavazquez #blanchegrubeprotocol
“Composite Materials” or White Fillings…
Composite materials, commonly known as “white fillings,” are one type of dental material that is quickly gaining popularity. These are a … #biocomplab #shslab #biocompability #reactive
UN Mercury Treaty Signals Time To Change U.S. Dental Policy, Says International Academy
/PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — History will be made next week when nations of the world sign a United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) treaty to reduce mercury #blanchegrubeprotocol #amalgamremoval #holisticdentistry #drblanchedgrube #drblanchedgrubeclinic
“ADA spokesman Dr. Rodney Mackert misleads readers about the safety of mercury fillings”
“ADA spokesman Dr. Rodney Mackert misleads readers about the safety of mercury fillings” #blanchegrubeprotocol #ada
Biocomp Laboratories Inc. All foreign substances introduced to the body will elicit a response from the immune system, including dental materials.
Reactivity is the amount of change that occurs within the immune system when it is subjected to a foreign substance. #biocomplab #shslab #biocompability #reactive #dental #information #materials #immune #it #test #biocompatibility #testing #system #order #links #policies
Biological, Biocompatible, Mercury Free (Amalgam Free), Mercury safe, Cosmetic Dentistry at Dr. Blanche D. Grube’s Clinic
Reactivity to dental materials can be loosely compared to food allergies. While many people have no problems with foods such as peanuts – See more at: s